Sunday, October 20, 2013

Medical law review

The next issue of the journal (20(4)) will be published around 6th Dec, with online publication around 26th Nov. The content will be as follows:
John Harrington, ‘Time as a Dimension of Medical Law’
Shawn Harmon and Kuan-Hsun Chen, ‘Medical Research Data Sharing: the "Public Good" and Vulnerable Groups' 
Amanda Warren-Jones, ‘Realising New Health Technologies: Problems of Regulating Human Stem Cells in the USA’
Shaun Pattinson, ‘The Value of Bodily Material: Acquiring and Allocating Human Gametes’
Michael Fay – ‘Negligence and the Communication of Neonatal Genetic Information to Parents’

Case commentary on Re T (a child) (surrogacy: residence order) [2011] EWCH 33 (Fam) by Amel Alghrani

Four book reviews:
Michael Fay’s review of 'Genomic Negligence: an Interest in Autonomy as the Basis for Novel Negligence Claims Generated by Genetic Technology' by V.Chico
Mandeep Dyal’s review of 'Self-Determination, Dignity and End-of-Life Care, Regulating Advance Directives in International and Comparative Perspectives', edited by S. Negri
Alex Mullock’s review of 'End-of-life Care: Ethics and Law' by J. McCarthy, M. Donnelly, D. Dooley, L. Campbell and D. Smith
Laura Machin’s review of 'Birth Rites and Rights', edited by F. Ebteh, J. Herring, M.H. Johnson and M. Richards

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