Sunday, October 20, 2013

Medicine: Carcinogenesis

Carcinogenesis: Integrative Cancer Research is a multi-disciplinary journal that brings together all the varied aspects of research that will ultimately lead to the prevention of cancer in man. The journal publishes papers that warrant prompt publication in the areas of Biology, Genetics and Epigenetics (including the processes of promotion, progression, signal transduction, apoptosis, genomic instability, growth factors, cell and molecular biology, mutation, DNA repair, genetics, etc.), Cancer Biomarkers and Molecular Epidemiology (including genetic predisposition to cancer, and epidemiology), Inflammation, Microenvironment and Prevention (including molecular dosimetry, chemoprevention, nutrition and cancer, etc.), and Carcinogenesis (including viral, chemical and physical carcinogenesis, metabolism of carcinogens, and the formation, detection, identification and quantification of environmental carcinogens).


  • Targeting of magnolin on ERKs inhibits Ras/ERKs/RSK2-signaling-mediated neoplastic cell transformation
    Lee, C.-J., Lee, H. S., Ryu, H. W., Lee, M.-H., Lee, J. Y., Li, Y., Dong, Z., Lee, H.-K., Oh, S.-R., Cho, Y.-Y.
  • Circulating C-reactive protein and colorectal cancer risk: a report from the Shanghai Men's Health Study
    Wu, J., Cai, Q., Li, H., Cai, H., Gao, J., Yang, G., Zheng, W., Xiang, Y.-B., Shu, X.-O.
  • Dietary heme iron and the risk of colorectal cancer with specific mutations in KRAS and APC
    Gilsing, A. M. J., Fransen, F., de Kok, T. M., Goldbohm, A. R., Schouten, L. J., de Bruine, A. P., van Engeland, M., van den Brandt, P. A., de Goeij, A. F. P. M., Weijenberg, M. P.
  • Transcription onset of genes critical in liver carcinogenesis is epigenetically regulated by methylated DNA-binding protein MBD2
    Stefanska, B., Suderman, M., Machnes, Z., Bhattacharyya, B., Hallett, M., Szyf, M.

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